Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Feces In The Bathroom

Here is another "Exc erpt" from "Scenarios" let me know what you would do. Hope all well with you all.

Till next time.....

Feces In The Bathroom

You and a very good friend/relative,(use whichever fits the scenario better),
Are out at a bar for a late night drink. Both of you are extremely inebriated.
Your friend/relative leans over to you and say’s
They have to use the bathroom badly.
After excusing themselves, they proceed on their way to the bathroom.
15-20 minutes goes by and you start to wonder what’s taking them so long?
Being the stand out person that you are, you head to the bathroom
To check on your friend/relative.
When you enter the bathroom you see your friend/relative passed out on the floor.
They have feces all over them.
It even looks as if there is still some attached.

What do you do?


Anonymous said...

I take a picture and Facebook it immediately as I hold in my laughter the best I can. Learn how to hold your liquer you nasty bastard! Then I check (careful as to not get soiled) to see if they are still alive. Once they're back on there feet I call them a cab cause I'll be damned if they are getting in my car!

Chris Marano

jmfv said...

kinda foul, but at least you didnt leave em