Thursday, June 9, 2011

part of my opening from my book.

It is true what they say; you do see your whole life flash right before your eyes in that last moment of life. Only it does not just flash, it is sort of like reliving your whole life, but this time having no control over it. You are aware of all the outcomes but still repeat the same mistakes. You also have the capabilities to slow down some parts of your life. You can bask in the glow of winning the big game, (if you played in a big game) or cry over losing a loved one and realizing just how important and precious life really is, (we all have to go through this). Let’s just say that a lot of things run through your mind at this moment.

Well I would like to share this flash, with you; just to give you an inside look at the inner workings of my mind.

Why you ask?

Because I want to, I love to share my insights on life with anyone that is willing to listen to or read anything that I have written. In addition, I think I am a pretty-good storyteller.

Is that a good enough reason? I would like to think so.

This might not make sense to you at times, but bear with it, eventually all roads lead home, and what I am about to share will eventually makes sense. This is a story of a boy, who became a man that ends up living not as he wants, but as he can.

We begin in the year 1976…

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