Thursday, April 16, 2009

Bust your Window?

“I bust the windows out ya car
you know I did it cuz I left my mark
Wrote my initials with the crowbar
and then I drove off into the dark”

And that is the song by “Jazmine Sullivan” titled “Bust your Window”…… (LMAO)
Oh my, how our music has changed. Wow this song cracked me up. I won’t fake the funk, it is a damn good song, but the lyrics, which are a bit deep, are crazy.

“I must admit it helped a little bitto think of how you'd feel when you saw it”

Wow she was pissed!
This song got me thinking about my uncles, and my boys. And on how when they would mess things up with a girl the girl would somehow ruin something of theirs. Like cutting up a shirt, a hat, or slashing car tires, even going as far as “Busting a window”.

Oh man, when a lady gets angry, she gets mad!

But this really got me thinking. I mean “Us” and by “Us” I mean men are not known for destroying anything that belongs to our ex’s. I have been dissed and even cheated on and all I did was punch the guy in the face and ignore her phone calls. I have had friends and relatives go through much worse then that, and all they do is say “fuck it! Life goes on!

Which is so true.

So my question of the day goes out to all my lady readers out there. Please answer me this question. Why do you destroy a man’s property to get revenge? What is it about it that entices you to do it?

And fella’s let me know what you have gone through? As in what was destroyed of yours.

Till next time….


Lisa A said...

I've never destroyed a man's property to get revenge. I think the fact that I can cut you off when I see you're bad for my health is punishment enough.

jmfv said...

Good answer. Thanx for reading and commenting

K $$ said...

Well I've never done it before but I think it's not just about being mad, having a temper and destroying property, it's about "you broke my heart so I'm gonna sabotage something of yours that means a lot to you so that you're suffering too..." It's payback bitch! =)

jmfv said...

ah I see, thanx for reading and commenting

Anonymous said...

By nature, chemistry or design (which ever suites your understanding best) men have the tendancy to not show emotion during or after a seperation - some men, take particular pride in this as they know it will hurt the woman -other men do it as a form of self preservation - other's don't even realize they're doing it becuase boys are taught not to show emotion. as a result, the women feels scorn and directs it at something she knows is of great value to the man - his car, records, clothes -thereby having the satisfaction of knowing that he'll feel that pain, loss, anger (whatever the emotion) all the way in his nut sack. even if he tries to hide it or play it off she'll still know that she got him!

What it boils down to is a mixture of chemistry, nature and nuture.

jmfv said...

no doubt, thanx for reading and commenting