Sunday, April 5, 2009

far and few

Hello all. Blogs have been far and few. Oh that is true, well here I am just wanting to let you guys know how I’m doing. Let you all know I’m still alive.

Just went a whole month without my car, damn timing chain goes and that ends up breaking something inside the engine, and blah, blah, blah, one thing leads to another and I end up car-less for a month.

Oh here is the topper, on the day that I was supposed to get my car; I get a phone call from the “Yonkers Police Department”. They are calling to let me know that I need to come in and sign a “Proof of ownership” paper. I ask why and they tell me that an angry costumer walks into the shop and chases the owner with a bat and smashes the rear window to my car.


“You mean to tell me that some man came in to the shop to kick ass and smashed my car window to show he meant business?”

“Yeah, we got the whole thing on tape.”

That just put another delay on me getting my car. The way the ball bounces for me huh? Oh it just so happens that on that exact same day I get hit with a bad flu. Four days of hell I tell you. The flu sucks big time. I haven’t had it in years and now I got it because my roommate went out to hang out in seedy areas with seedy individuals and he brings back the Black Death. Oh man, that flu hurt, a lot.

Well I advise you all to go out and see “The Wolverine” movie. That movie kicks ass with a capital A. For all the old school comic book dorks like me, this movie is the bomb!

Well I am recovery pretty well, a little slower then what I expected, but hopefully I’ll be back to myself by this summer.
Till next time….


K $$ said...

OMG!!! Haha! only u, JV...sorry to hear that... Great pic, btw! =)

jmfv said...

Thanx for reading and commenting