Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Brady rule and Erectile Dysfunction not kool

The Brady Rule. That’s the new rule in the “N.F.L.”. If you ask me it should be called “The Bitch Rule”. Here is the rule:

Competition Committee adopted a clarification of the current rule on hits to a quarterback in the knee area or below. The clarification specifically prohibits a defender on the ground who hasn't been blocked or fouled directly into the quarterback from lunging or diving at the quarterback's lower legs.

In other words, if you’re on the ground you can’t make a lounge for the QB. Your taught to kill the quarter back, to hit him, you make a living doing this, this game is all about hitting, but the moment you hit the ground you have to shut all that down and not take a lounge at the man holding the ball. Are you kidding me. They say that this is for the protection of the quarterback, huh? How much more protection does he need? Is he not a football player? Does he not play the same game as everyone else? If you want to protect him more, just get a better offensive line.

Oh man, this is just one thing I’m pissed off about at the time. I won’t bore you with everything else, but I will say I miss you guys. I miss writing out my thoughts and sharing them with you all. This injury has put me out of everything. I haven’t written anything in a long time. I haven’t really been doing much. Dealing with a lot of pain and having lack of movement on your wrist can do that to you.

One thing I have noticed being hurt and home a lot, and watching late night television, there is an awful amount of erectile dysfunction medicine on TV. Damn, every two out of three commercials are about E.D... Like what the fuck, do only guys with flaccid penises watch late night television?

Sorry bout that, that was another thing that pissed me off the other night. I’m gonna be off for now folks. Getting me riled up and it’s late. I need to relax, take a deep breath, ah better. Well thank you for reading my rant, hope all is well with you all.

Till next time….

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