Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Who is the sick one. him or her?

Ok, here we go once again with more questions from “Jimmy Vee”. You know you love em, don’t lie.

Well today’s question is simple. A man is sitting at a red light in his car, waiting for the light to turn, but while he is waiting, he decides to pick his nose. Now he is picking it the entire time, with no remorse mind you, just picking. Ok, now my friend is sitting at the same light across from him grossed out. However, she continues to look. She then sends me a text message detailing this, calling the man gross.

Now you all know me, I respond to her text by calling her gross for watching. She replies with “it’s like watching a car crash”. In other words, she could not turn away. Therefore, I say to her, you are a sicko. He is assuming that he is not being watched and he is in the privacy of his car, so he decides to pick his nose. No, harm no foul, but you looked, noticed he was picking, and then you continued to look. So who is the sick one then?

Him for picking or her for watching?

Till next time...

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