Thursday, November 15, 2007

Love and a Thumb

Ok. I was in the shower (as I normally am) just singing and thinking. In addition, for some strange reason I started thinking about “love” (the emotion) and the thumb.

Now I’ve been told that the thumb is the one thing that separates us from all other creatures. Then out from of nowhere, speech came into effect. (This whole thought stemmed from eating an animal. as in meat. I will explain that some other time) then I started thinking about evolution, And how we have evolved, how we have buildings and cars, well onto my story or the point of this ramble.

“Love and a thumb" it is called. Ok here we go. Well we all started as Neanderthals or Cro-Magnons. We had thumbs. We were able to hold stuff, carve, and make weapons to defend our selves. However, with no real reason to talk, speech did not come into effect yet. That is until we held each other’s hand. (Hence the title being "love and a thumb).

Well holding someone’s hand (for me it is a woman’s hand) feels real good (as we all know). Therefore, the “cave men” enjoyed holding each other’s hand. That is when carvings came into effect. You guys call em hieroglyphics. Well these carvings were the cave peeps kicking game. Sort of like writing love notes and telling stories. Moreover, since some cave peeps could not understand each other’s carvings, speech had to come into effect. However, that created a whole other communication barrier. Nevertheless, shit settled down after awhile. Cave people became civilized, (Well as civilized as can be). Then the ball started rolling, and here we are.

Therefore, the reason we have indoor swimming pools, cell phones, cars, and the lovely internet are all due to love and the thumb.

Copyright © 2007. James Velez

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