Friday, November 30, 2007

Winter/Fall or vice versa

Ok folks, it is finally getting cold. I was thinking of writing a winter/fall blog a little bit back, like in October but it wasn’t cold then. So the trees are finally going into their winter slumber and that means all the leaves will be dying, and we all know that right before they die they look the prettiest. So that entails looking at nice kool colors while driving on the highways/parkways or just out your window, damn I love winter or fall should I say. That is when the leaves do look the prettiest, but not recently. Ah well.

Another reason to love winter is that it puts an end to baseball. No more boring ass highlights on “Sportscenter”, or boring games on TV. “Football”, “Basketball”, and yes “Hockey” for you few fans out there on TV. Do we need any other reason to love this season?

Well I for one love fall the most, but I also enjoy winter. I love to snuggle up in bed and cuddle (Being that I am a certified cuddler). Cuddling, hmm, another thing you can’t do in the summer, unless you got the air conditioner blaring on high, and costing yourself an arm and a leg just for those moments of comfort.

But the best reason to love winter is simply one word. Cozy. You never can feel “Cozy” in the summer. You’re either to hot, or you got the a-c on blast and it’s a lil to cold or just uncomfortable because you know how much it cost to have that sucker on.

So I am throwing down the gauntlet. I want to know if you love winter and why, or why do you hate winter. Let me know folks.
Till next time….

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