Friday, June 6, 2008

My Freind Jim Was Crazy

Hello all, I have been working on a book that is about me, but written from a friend's point of view and has his opinions about me. Well here is the opening to it I hope you all enjoy it and I would like to know what you all think about it.


Till next time....

(Excerpt from "My Friend Jim Was Crazy)

Never in my wildest dreams did I think that I would become "Jaded"? Jaded towards society. Moreover, lo and behold, my friend "Jim" got me there. I knew this man since childhood. In addition, even back then he did not fit in anywhere. Therefore, it was understandable that this person was "Jaded".

My friend Jim is crazy.

Not crazy in the Looney sense, hmmmmmmm, well maybe at times, but most of the time he was a pure genius. Some of the things that would come out of his mouth would astound others and me. He had this knack for saying what was on people's mind, and for being brave enough to say it.

I have never met anyone in my life, so secure in his manhood that he would grab a man's ass, simply as a joke, to get a reaction out of them, without thinking anything of it. Most people thought he was gay, or that he was hiding in the closet or something, but the fact that he could do those types of things and not get bothered showed, just how secure he was in his manhood. However, if you touched him in the ways that he would touch any of his friends he would flip out. Odd huh?

I have never run into anyone as "Crazy" as Jim was. Actually, I am going to stop calling him "Crazy", Jim prefers the term "Free Spirited". I like that one also; it seems to fit his personality more. Jim does come across as a free spirited individual. His points of view are so out there, I mean he sees things without blinders so to speak.

One example come to mind was how he described women to me many years ago, he said, "All women are whore and they can't be trusted, right down to grandma. She did her thing back in her day"

That sent me into a straight up, "What?"

Then he continued, but we will get to that part later on. My main reason for writing about him is some of the stuff that comes out of his mouth just baffles the mind. This person is no idiot this man reads a lot. Not textbooks or stuff pertinent to his life, like self-help books, or books on any job he is involved in, but books on life, and religion. This person is a professor of philosophy and does not see it. He is so open to other points of views, and sees both sides to every coin so to speak.

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