Thursday, September 4, 2008

A short simple recap

Hello all. Been awhile since I sat down and wrote to my fans. How are you all doing? Hope you all are doing well. A lot has been going on since we last chatted. Don’t really know where to begin or what to write about. But I will tell you all this, I got me a new job. Yes! Finally I am employed once again. Been with them now for 2 months. I was unemployed for three, now that sucked a lil bit.

Grant it I was able to rest up, but let me tell you, it gets boring real fast. And me, I don’t sleep in, so that part I didn’t even register. I was up everyday bright and early sending out resumes, or desktop support to my clients. Did not rest at all. I actually sleep more now with a job, then when I didn’t have one. Odd huh?

Well I wasn’t going to get political but I must ask, what is up with “John Mccain” picking that lady as his running mate? Is he that desperate for the minority votes that he added her to counter “Mr. Obama”? She is a bit attractive I might add. And why remake “90210”? What’s next, “Melrose Place”? Are we that starved for new ideas?

Well not much has been going on in my life. I am dating this girl. That’s new. We’re taking it slow, as in getting to know each other, known her for a bit now, but not in an intimate relationship fashion. Taking it one day at a time, see where that leads me.

Got paid to write, which most of you know, and I thanked all of you for that. But other then that I have been bored as hell. Seems as if my life for some odd reason is at a stall at the moment. Maybe I need a lady to jumpstart my life, or some sort of divine force to point in me In the right direction, or I should just grow the fuck up and realize that I am living and this is life, we make the best of it. Ah well.

One thing that I am really looking forward to is “Football” season. Thank God for winter and its glorious sport. Oh and fall, I love fall. Well before I continue babbling I will let you all get back to your lives. Thank you for your time.
Till next time….

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