Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Review of "After Dachau" by "Daniel Quinn"

Daniel Quinn let me down. Well not totally let me down, but I am a bit disappointed. I just finished reading “After Dachau”. A book that I was so excited to read, I could hardly contain myself.

This book started a little weak but then in a matter of two to three pages it just blew my mind. As to how great of a writer he is, where he can sum things up so well, and give you a full look into things with just a few words. This book became good very quick, only to disappoint me in the end.

I am literally left with my mouth open wondering, “Was all this built up for that?” I still have to go over it with my pal “Melissa” just to get another point of view on it and hopefully see it a bit differently. She is an “English major” so maybe I will think differently after I go over it with her, but until then I will remain disappointed.

Now I do not want to discourage you people from going out and buying this book. Remember we all have our own opinions, but I will recommend that you pick up his other books before reading this one. This man is one of my favorite authors and everything that I have read so far from him I love and recommend to you all.
All but this one.

Till next time….

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Knight Rider

N.B.C. got it all wrong.

Let me tell you what they got wrong. On Sunday, they broadcasted “Knight Rider” as a movie. And let me tell you, it was horrible. Any movie where the best actor is “David Hasslehoff” you know its bad.
In addition, on top of all this, they showed a commercial every six minutes. No lie, every six minutes. This was bad.
They ended it o.k. It has hopes of being a show, but I do not think it will be a good show, and these networks are known for putting crap on TV anyway, see caveman for more proof on this.
All in all, this was a horrible attempt at bringing back a decent show, not great but decent. Therefore, my advice to you is if you missed it your lucky, if you watched it, I know your pain.
Till next time…

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Is love an emotional trend?

To actually be in love?

Can anyone define this? I dare you to. Give me a direct definition for love. In addition, I bet the person next to you will not agree with your answer.
It confuses me how someone can claim love then "poof" exhibit not one trace of it. Where does all that love go, is it a form energy that can be measured? We all know energy cannot be destroyed it just changes form. So does that love become hatred? On the other hand, even resentment. Or are they both the same emotion just looked at from a different point of view?
Why does it turn into the opposite? Why if it is changing, it doesn’t just slightly change? It turns into the total opposite.


I know the difference between being in love and loving someone. Nevertheless, something causes the love to cease. What drives a person to pretend as if you do not exist?
We all know the usual things that make a person stop loving. You can lie, cheat, and steal. Abuse someone’s trust. Something. However, what if there aren’t any of the usual signs?


Now you are just left to ponder, "what went wrong?” A constant reminder that you are not perfect, and that nothing last forever. Leaving you lost, confused and unfocused. Which leaves you all messed up now. Nevertheless, even emotions tend to fade away.

“Time heals all wounds”. For this delicate subject (which I do not claim to be an expert at) many books, song and movies have been written on it. Mainly by people who have failed at it. (Hence me writing about it). Yet we still pursue it. Knowing how difficult it is to keep the fire burning. Each one of us just hoping to find “The answer”. The answer that will keep love in our lives. Moreover, by saying love I do not mean the love with a friend or pet, or family member at that. I am talking bout love. The one that had you writing letters with those check the box if you like me in them, and tagging up her/his name in your notebook. Similar to that little kiddies love.


Even as we grow older, love in every aspect does not change. Yes, you approach it differently, but the feeling is still the same. Your heart flutters a bit; you lose your breath at her/his site. You want to be around them at all times. Talk, share ideas, bump into them, something. As children, we do not know what to do, which is why we hit each other. Not in a violent way, but a playful manner, and as adults, yeah we still play. Therefore, things do not change all that much. Instead of hitting your love interest to get there attention, we do other things. I will not get into that being that I cannot get the attention of anything, let alone anyone, but this whole blog is not just me rambling about love.
It is a question. Not one that I seek an answer for, but I ask my readers to seek out the answers for themselves and get back to me with the answer to that question.

What is love?

In addition, what makes a person throw all that away with out any remorse? I see that the last question is a loaded one. The first one is also, but it makes for a great debate if anything. If something meant so much to you yesterday, why isn’t it worth a thing today?
In addition, I am not talking about some trendy item. I am talking emotions here, but is love an emotional trend?
Till next time….

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

A moment in the snow

It’s quite. For about two seconds, it is quite. Then bam
Do do ba boom, da boom da boom,
Do do ba boom, da boom da boom,
“Just a castaway, an island lost at sea, ohanother lonely day, with no one here but me, ohMore loneliness than any man could bearRescue me before I fall into despair, oh
I'll send an S.O.S. to the worldI'll send an S.O.S. to the worldI hope that someone gets myI hope that someone gets myI hope that someone gets my Message in a bottle,Message in a bottle,”
As “john Mayer” and my voice permeate through the air, I ask myself. Is it me, or does the world seem quieter when it’s snowing?

It just seems like all of my senses are heightened when it is snowing. The world is quite, and I can hear everything distinctly and there is nothing like getting off work, getting in your car and have a good song come on.

“John Mayer” does this cover of the “police’s message in a bottle” that is incredible. As the song begins, my smile grows. Then the words come on. Nothing beats the original, but his version is incredible and just takes the song in a whole other direction.

“I'll send an S.O.S. to the world
“I'll send an S.O.S. to the world”

So bluesy with a hint of jazz in it, it is incredible. And it dawns on me. Life really is not that bad. Its moments like this we live for. It may not be “the most incredible” moment in life or anything amazing, but it is enjoyable, and it should be appreciated for what it is. A moment.

Thursday, February 7, 2008


Ok, ok. There has been a phrase going around recently. Most of you might have seen it as a comment on page. Nevertheless, let us set the record straight. This phrase does not fit me. Nor is it true. The phrase in question is, “Chimp Fucker”

Now I do not “fuck “chimps. A good friend of mine who shall remain nameless is the “Chimp fucker” not I. So let us put it to rest people.

All right, enough of that, now on to last night. Last night I had an epiphany.

Last night while lying in my couch, it dawned on me. I am living. Now I know what you all are thinking, “James duh, your alive”, but keep reading, it will make sense eventually.

I have been in a perpetual waiting period. Waiting for “my life to start” so to speak. I keep telling myself that once I get my own place things will change, or once I get a girl things will change, or once I get a good job things will change. Well duh! All of those things point to change, but none of that is worth the wait. It just happens.

So last night it all dawned on me, I am in the midst of my life. I am waiting for nothing because I am in it. I got a pretty kool apartment, I got a decent working car, I am employed, (with benefits) and a girl will come when the time is right. As for me waiting that is over with. I will no longer wait to do certain things, if I want to do them I will do them, my life is in full swing as far as I am concerned. So I smiled. I looked at my decent size TV and smiled. I snuggled into my leather couch and smiled. I looked at my kool blue wall, actually, my entire apartment has kool colors, but I looked around and smiled. My life really is not that bad.

Most of the things I am waiting for are right in front of me. It is true what they say, “you don’t see what is in front of you”. I have a lot of kool things right in front of me. I have friends that I love and they love me just as much, I may be single and lonely but that is only for the time being, me being so picky and all. Nevertheless, I will start to smile a bit more and appreciate what is all around me.

No that does not mean that I will become Mr. nice guy, but it does mean that I look at my life, not life in general, but my life, a bit differently. Today “James” woke up a bit tired but with a smile. Things are bad, but they could always get worst, so enjoy the moment.

Thank you for reading.
Till next time….