Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Knight Rider

N.B.C. got it all wrong.

Let me tell you what they got wrong. On Sunday, they broadcasted “Knight Rider” as a movie. And let me tell you, it was horrible. Any movie where the best actor is “David Hasslehoff” you know its bad.
In addition, on top of all this, they showed a commercial every six minutes. No lie, every six minutes. This was bad.
They ended it o.k. It has hopes of being a show, but I do not think it will be a good show, and these networks are known for putting crap on TV anyway, see caveman for more proof on this.
All in all, this was a horrible attempt at bringing back a decent show, not great but decent. Therefore, my advice to you is if you missed it your lucky, if you watched it, I know your pain.
Till next time…

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