Thursday, February 14, 2008

Is love an emotional trend?

To actually be in love?

Can anyone define this? I dare you to. Give me a direct definition for love. In addition, I bet the person next to you will not agree with your answer.
It confuses me how someone can claim love then "poof" exhibit not one trace of it. Where does all that love go, is it a form energy that can be measured? We all know energy cannot be destroyed it just changes form. So does that love become hatred? On the other hand, even resentment. Or are they both the same emotion just looked at from a different point of view?
Why does it turn into the opposite? Why if it is changing, it doesn’t just slightly change? It turns into the total opposite.


I know the difference between being in love and loving someone. Nevertheless, something causes the love to cease. What drives a person to pretend as if you do not exist?
We all know the usual things that make a person stop loving. You can lie, cheat, and steal. Abuse someone’s trust. Something. However, what if there aren’t any of the usual signs?


Now you are just left to ponder, "what went wrong?” A constant reminder that you are not perfect, and that nothing last forever. Leaving you lost, confused and unfocused. Which leaves you all messed up now. Nevertheless, even emotions tend to fade away.

“Time heals all wounds”. For this delicate subject (which I do not claim to be an expert at) many books, song and movies have been written on it. Mainly by people who have failed at it. (Hence me writing about it). Yet we still pursue it. Knowing how difficult it is to keep the fire burning. Each one of us just hoping to find “The answer”. The answer that will keep love in our lives. Moreover, by saying love I do not mean the love with a friend or pet, or family member at that. I am talking bout love. The one that had you writing letters with those check the box if you like me in them, and tagging up her/his name in your notebook. Similar to that little kiddies love.


Even as we grow older, love in every aspect does not change. Yes, you approach it differently, but the feeling is still the same. Your heart flutters a bit; you lose your breath at her/his site. You want to be around them at all times. Talk, share ideas, bump into them, something. As children, we do not know what to do, which is why we hit each other. Not in a violent way, but a playful manner, and as adults, yeah we still play. Therefore, things do not change all that much. Instead of hitting your love interest to get there attention, we do other things. I will not get into that being that I cannot get the attention of anything, let alone anyone, but this whole blog is not just me rambling about love.
It is a question. Not one that I seek an answer for, but I ask my readers to seek out the answers for themselves and get back to me with the answer to that question.

What is love?

In addition, what makes a person throw all that away with out any remorse? I see that the last question is a loaded one. The first one is also, but it makes for a great debate if anything. If something meant so much to you yesterday, why isn’t it worth a thing today?
In addition, I am not talking about some trendy item. I am talking emotions here, but is love an emotional trend?
Till next time….

1 comment:

Glass Half Full said...

Fell into your blog by search for song with Holds the World in a paper cup...drink it up. I'm at work but will go back to your site to read. I journal as well and enjoy the journey we call life.