Thursday, February 7, 2008


Ok, ok. There has been a phrase going around recently. Most of you might have seen it as a comment on page. Nevertheless, let us set the record straight. This phrase does not fit me. Nor is it true. The phrase in question is, “Chimp Fucker”

Now I do not “fuck “chimps. A good friend of mine who shall remain nameless is the “Chimp fucker” not I. So let us put it to rest people.

All right, enough of that, now on to last night. Last night I had an epiphany.

Last night while lying in my couch, it dawned on me. I am living. Now I know what you all are thinking, “James duh, your alive”, but keep reading, it will make sense eventually.

I have been in a perpetual waiting period. Waiting for “my life to start” so to speak. I keep telling myself that once I get my own place things will change, or once I get a girl things will change, or once I get a good job things will change. Well duh! All of those things point to change, but none of that is worth the wait. It just happens.

So last night it all dawned on me, I am in the midst of my life. I am waiting for nothing because I am in it. I got a pretty kool apartment, I got a decent working car, I am employed, (with benefits) and a girl will come when the time is right. As for me waiting that is over with. I will no longer wait to do certain things, if I want to do them I will do them, my life is in full swing as far as I am concerned. So I smiled. I looked at my decent size TV and smiled. I snuggled into my leather couch and smiled. I looked at my kool blue wall, actually, my entire apartment has kool colors, but I looked around and smiled. My life really is not that bad.

Most of the things I am waiting for are right in front of me. It is true what they say, “you don’t see what is in front of you”. I have a lot of kool things right in front of me. I have friends that I love and they love me just as much, I may be single and lonely but that is only for the time being, me being so picky and all. Nevertheless, I will start to smile a bit more and appreciate what is all around me.

No that does not mean that I will become Mr. nice guy, but it does mean that I look at my life, not life in general, but my life, a bit differently. Today “James” woke up a bit tired but with a smile. Things are bad, but they could always get worst, so enjoy the moment.

Thank you for reading.
Till next time….

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